Winner of BEST FILM in the GreyJo online film festival
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The Big Bang Theory
While I appreciate it may not be regarded as an accolade by many, its not every day you see something that you've designed in a scene from a famous TV sit-com! The producers of "The Big Bang Theory" loved to include pop-culture references in the show and asked if they could have a model kit of an Eagle spacecraft from the Gerry Anderson show "Space: 1999" as part of the set dressing. You can see it here sitting atop the kit's box - which bears the new logo that I designed for Anderson Entertainment.

And here's the box-art!

Brief Lives was the result of a unique opportunity to work with the late actor and comedian Rik Mayall. I spent a day filming a TV pilot with Rik in a blue-screen studio in London. The factual show was to focus on two historical figures linked by a (sometimes tenuous) common theme. In this first episode, we hear about Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Dickens, with the theme being Christmas. The show was made on a limited budget with art direction, virtual sets, and animation created, rendered, and composited by me.
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